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Monday, December 12, 2011

It's A Service. ;)

This blog is. Completely and totally. It's a service to better the mood of the intehweb peoples! According to my Gifted teacher at least.
Because we talk about these things in gifted. It's like preschool. I'm not even joking! This is our schedule-

  • Come in and eat animal crackers
  • Talk/eat animal crackers
  • Go to lunch
  • Come back and have a lesson (A.K.A. We talk and undermine Mr. O's authority.)
  • Listen to music.
  • Playtime!!!!!!
  • Go to G4 block.
Sounds like pre-K to me! Anyways, we were talking about being nice and doing community service to op out of finals when Mr. O smirks and looks very pleased with himself.
"Crap. I just gave him an opening...." I grumbled, falling with a exaggerated sigh onto my desk. I looked like a heap of flesh and laziness.
"I wanted to talk about service!" Mr. O exclaims and does a jig while handing out papers. He had us flip through them. They were a list of 'services' you could do, with cliche things like 'smile'. Then I saw 'Have A Blog.' I did a double take, or maybe a triple take.
"WOAH! I have a blog!" I said, excited and surprised.
"Is it a service? Do you make people happy?" Mr. O asks.
"Uhm. Maybe?"
"Of course you do! I'm sure your blog is very interesting!"
"Of course it is......"
<insert Mr. O's laugh here>
So, my question for you guys is- Is this a service? I don't know. Do I make you guys happy? Am I interesting? Am I an attention-seeking crap teenager who needs to shut up so you can all move on with your lives?
Tell me! I'd love to hear from you guys! I haven't had a comment yet!

I would tell you about a small development in the 'romance' area, but to be totally honest... I like to leave cliffhangers! I'll tell you tomorrow. I swear! ;)
I drew this! :D

Tchou My Dahlinks!,


Anonymous said...

I vote that you're an attention-seeking crap teenager who needs to shut up so I can all move on with my life! :D :D :D

<3 Ali <3

Zeeta said...

Sweetie, though I love you, it would suffice to say I am simply an ungrateful spaz.

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